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The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018 and replaced the 1988 Data Protection Act.  This statement provides information about how your personal data is used.

Data is securely filed when an individual books their poultry into the Hen Hotel.  We use your personal data to contact you via email or telephone to manage your booking.  In addition your personal data may be used by the proprietor of The Hen Hotel to send you Newsletters to update you on current legislation or news regarding The Hen Hotel - but only where specific consent has been given. 

Your name, address, email and telephone numbers are held only by Hilary Gaskin.  Your details are only used for booking fulfilment and never shared with third parties without explicit consent.

Your personal details will be kept for all regular users of The Hen Hotel with your consent.  My Data Retention Policy states that if no repeat bookings are made within 18 months, your data will be securely destroyed.


Offering weekly or longer boarding facilities for your hens, cockerels and ducks.


Telephone : ​07768 664510

Email :






Let me look after your feathered family whilst you go on holiday.


I'll dedicate the same loving care and attention to your birds as you do.


site created and maintained by Sarah Carpenter

- last review May 2024

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